Sunday, July 11, 2010

Monday 14th June Flight of the Gibbon

We were up early and waiting for our tour bus for this days adventure. With mixed feelings Judy and Julian were excited Al and I were apprehensive. After picking up 4 other passengers we had about an hours drive to our destination.
Up into the mountains the temperature getting cooler as we went.
Upon arrival we were given safety instructions and signed our life away. Then we were suited up, headband and helmet and harness. Back to the bus to be driven a short distance to our first platform.
This didn’t look too scary. We were given safety instructions and soon it was time to be clipped (cripped) in and zip from the platform to another that wasn’t too far away. Julian was videoing most of our attempts. Our first zip was only a short one. Hey I like this!!
We had a lot of different ones fast, long, short, 2people together, repelling 3 times each time getting a bigger distance until the last time we were a very long way from the ground. On one of the ziplines we had to jump off the platform and drop about 3 meters before the line took up the slack and we started to fly through the air. We then ended up flying into a rope net, where we had to climb up to the platform. We also had three swing bridges to cross. This was not a frightening as I thought it would be though.
We all really enjoyed this day. I did not feel frightened of the height at all even though I usually get scared of heights. I think the reason for this is that the canopy of trees gives you a feeling that you aren’t up very high.

Dinner tonight was at Deck 1 and was really lovely cost of dinner for 4 people was 3400bt including 4 cocktails and 6 beers.

A bit of shopping and then a foot massage completed the night
Foot massage 2 people 300b 45 minutes

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